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Lisa Parkin , Board Member

Lisa is committed to the health and sustainability of her community, and the access to educational opportunities for all children.

She is the Founder and Executive Director of WCME. A native of Georgia, Lisa fell in love with nonprofits while supporting the Montgomery Ward Cabrini Green Tutoring Program in Chicago. This experience sparked a passion to reach the lost communities, the rural areas. Inspired by this experience Lisa quickly developed a deep passion for reaching communities that do not have the advantages of large urban communities, large urban donations.

This resolve stuck with her through the years and she has found ways to support various non-profit organizations as well as growing in her own mission to further develop her own nonprofit. Over 22 years later, Lisa continues to devote her skills, expertise, time and energy to ensure that families gain a strong sense of worth and become informed and educated. Her ongoing mission is to help nonprofits achieve great success in the areas of planning, organization development, and fundraising.

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